5-1 Project Draft Part Two: Persuasive Essay With Research (100 Points) ENG 190 Module Five Essay Draft Guidelines and RubricOverview In this assignment,

5-1 Project Draft Part Two: Persuasive Essay With Research (100 Points)

ENG 190 Module Five Essay Draft Guidelines and RubricOverview

In this assignment, you will build on what you have learned through the first modules of this course and submit your persuasive essay draft. Creating a draft is an important part of the academic writing process as it allows your instructor to provide specific feedback on how to strengthen your argument, how to better reach your audience, and whether your sources support your argument. Creating a draft is also crucial to the academic writing process as it allows you to articulate your ideas and thoughts on paper so you can rethink your main ideas and rewrite them in a way that makes your argument more persuasive.


For this assignment, you will submit the first draft of your essay. You will use at least one source from the Project Resources Document and two sources that you find through your own research using the Shapiro Library to support your essay.

Specifically, you must address the following:

  1. Compose a thesis statement that addresses your position.
  2. Support key points in your persuasive essay with evidence from your research.
    1. These are the key points presented in your thesis statement.
  3. Use quotes or paraphrases to integrate evidence from research into your persuasive essay.
    1. Include at least one quote and/or paraphrase for each body paragraph.
  4. Include strategies to meet the needs of an audience. In your response, include:
    1. An introduction with relevant background information that appeals to your chosen audience.
    2. A conclusion that summarizes your key points and includes a call to action for your chosen audience.
  5. Use persuasive writing techniques in the body of your persuasive essay.
    1. Address and refute an opposing viewpoint to your position.
    2. Use ethos, pathos, or logos to persuade the audience when refuting the opposing viewpoint.
  6. Use attribution conventions throughout your persuasive essay.
    1. Use APA or MLA attribution conventions for all in-text citations and/or paraphrases. Remember, you will need to use the format you chose in Module One for the duration of the course, including all assignments and the project.
    2. Include a References or Works Cited page at the end of your persuasive essay.

What to Submit

Submit your essay as a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document (with an additional title page and reference page in the case of APA, or a works cited page in the case of MLA) with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Use at least one source from the Project Resources Document and two sources that you find through your own research using the Shapiro Library to support your essay. Follow APA or MLA citation guidelines when citing sources both throughout and at the end of your paper.

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