All instructions posted below  Interview someone on their perception of success write an essay talking about what they said and your own perceptions

All instructions posted below 

Interview someone on their perception of success write an essay talking about what they said and your own perceptions of success:

Your Profile essay must be a

minimum of 850 words, double-spaced, Times New Roman, Font size 12.

2. It should be formatted in
MLA format.

3. You should include a citation for the quotes and the summary you used from your interview in a Works Cited format.

The MLA citation for a personal interview should follow this format:

Last name of the person interviewed First name. Interview. Conducted by Interviewer Name. Date of interview.

Example: Mars, Bruno. Interview.
Conducted by Julie Chapman. 10 May 2020.

No part of this essay should include any information from the internet. It is all based on your own research and perceptions about success.

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