Annotated Bibliography: Organizational Behavior In the prior readings, you were presented with resources that discussed organizational behavior

Annotated Bibliography: Organizational Behavior

In the prior readings, you were presented with resources that discussed organizational
behavior and culture. For example, you were provided the most recent readings that
focused on the management of organizational behavior and employee perceptions.
Likewise, you learned about the influence that organizational behavior can have on
organizational culture. For this formative assessment, you will conduct research on
these topic areas of organizational behavior and organizational culture and find at least
5 academic, current, peer-reviewed journals articles or textbook sources.

Next, develop an annotated bibliography that highlights the value of each source toward
your summative assessment for this competency. Specifically, your annotated
bibliography should cover the influence of organizational behavior on organizational
culture. Your first summative assessment deliverable is a Research Paper on the
influence behavior has on organizational culture, with application to the education

With respect to formatting your annotated bibliography, you will want to follow APA 7th
Edition guidelines. Keep in mind that you will want to find at least 5 sources that are
generally within 5 years old, from peer-reviewed journals or another academic and
credible source, and that provide a depth of insights.

  • Annotated Bibliography: Organizational Behavior

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