Attached is two documents. Please write a 3-4 page thought paper.  The purpose of the thought paper is to draw some larger conclusions from your experience

Attached is two documents. Please write a 3-4 page thought paper.  The purpose of the thought paper is to draw some larger conclusions from your experience with the health behaviors. Take a step back and consider if this changed you in any way, will you continue any of the behaviors, was this difficult or easy, why, etc. Then, you’ll need to search for at least 3 scientific articles that relate in some way to the behavior(s) you engaged in for the journal entries. Basically, what does the science say and how does your experience align with that science? While this is not a FORMAL APA style paper, you want to strike a more formal tone than with the journal entries, especially when discussing research.  This should be submitted in Word, with 12 pt. Times New Roman font, and 1-inch margins with APA style language and citation format.

Then add 4 more journal entries to the 6 I have provided to make a total of 10. The directions are in the attachments below as well as the 6 journal entries so you can understand how you will write the other 4. 

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