attached Objective Overall Learning Objective:  · To recognize the value of giving and receiving feedback. Create



Overall Learning Objective: 

· To recognize the value of giving and receiving feedback.

Create Stage Objective: 

· To describe and evaluate the impact a piece of advice had on your life.

· To asses personal receptiveness to feedback.

· To self-reflect on how you deliver feedback and its effectiveness.

· To identify personal strengths and areas for improvement when delivering and receiving feedback.

Evaluate Stage Objective: 

· Assess the creations of your peers to evaluate if they have met the creation stage objective and rubric criteria. 

· Support your evaluations with specific examples of what was done well and what could be improved, and use motivational language to encourage your peers.

Feedback Stage Objective: 

· Express how the evaluations you received from your peers do or do not help you to understand what you did well and what you could have done better, and how motivational their language was.


This activity has three stages to complete. Check the schedule to the right of your screen to note the deadlines to submit for each stage. You will also receive email reminders when the stages open and when the deadlines are approaching. If you provide your phone number in Account Settings, you can opt in to receive text message reminders, too.

Create Stage Instructions: 

In the field of ABA, practitioners engage in frequent feedback exchanges whether it be with colleagues, therapists, supervisors, caregivers, or teachers, etc. Being open and receptive to feedback is critical for further development and advancement of skills in this field. Equally important is the ability to provide positive and constructive feedback to others. Self- reflect on and respond to the questions/ statements below to explore your experiences with delivering and receiving feedback.

· Describe a time when you received feedback or coaching that made an impact on you in relation to achieving an objective you had.

· Evaluate why it had the impact that it did.

· How receptive are you to receiving feedback from others?

· Reflect on a time when you’ve delivered feedback to others.

· Was the feedback well received or not? If not, why do you think that was the case?

· Is there anything you would have done differently?

· What would you say are your strengths and areas for improvement in terms of receiving feedback and delivering feedback?

Your response should be 200 or more words. 

You should submit your ORIGINAL work. You should not be using AI to respond to this or any assignment in this course.

Look at the rubric prior to submitting your creation to understand how you will be evaluated.

Evaluate Stage Instructions: 

· Before beginning the evaluation stage of this assignment make sure you review the guide for providing well-written peer evaluations, by using the link below. On this guide you will find examples and non-examples of what a well-written peer evaluation looks like.


· Use the rubric to provide an appropriate score for your peers.

· Leave a constructive yet motivational written evaluation for your peers that contains specific examples of what they did well and where they could improve.

Feedback Stage Instructions: 

· Read the written evaluations you have received from your peers, rate them as to how critical and motivational they were, and leave a comment to let them know if their evaluation was helpful to you or not, and why or why not.

If you have any questions about using Kritik, please contact the Support team by accessing the live chat in the bottom right corner. We’re here to help!

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