atteched Feedback Stage Instructions In the Feedback Stage, your group reflects on the


Feedback Stage Instructions

In the Feedback Stage, your group reflects on the evaluations received from peers. The group leader submits responses to each evaluation, addressing strengths, clarifying suggestions, and providing constructive, professional feedback.

This phase helps develop professional communication and critical thinking skills and teaches you to accept feedback delivered by others.


· Acknowledge helpful feedback and explain how it was useful.

· Politely clarify unclear suggestions or highlight any discrepancies.

· Use behavior-analytic language where applicable.

· Feedback should be constructive

· Feedback should be written in a positive tone

· Sample of interaction moves that can be used:

Appreciate: Share what you like, appreciate or value in the presentation. Be specific.

Probe: Probe for more details. Ask questions that will help give you a better sense of another person’s perspective. 

Snip: Say what you find interesting or important about something that was said during the presentation. 

Connect: Make a connection between something is in the presentation and your own experience, feelings, or interests.

Extend: Describe how the presentation extended your thoughts in new directions or gave you a new perspective.

Feedback/Counter-Arguments: Offer constructive feedback or respectfully challenge their perspectives.


I think the group did very good with their FBA selection process and why this assessment was selected. The group also included the hypothesized function of the behavior. In terms of the graphs, they were presented but they were a little difficult to interpret.

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