Basic Psychology Research Paper  Choose an occupation in psychology that interest you or a possible career option for you in the

Basic Psychology Research Paper 

Choose an occupation in psychology that interest you or a possible career option for you in the future.  

 Examples:   Clinical Psychologist  Clinical Social Worker  Licensed Mental Health Counselor  Psychiatrist  Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner  Psychiatric Nurse  Forensic Psychologist  Military Psychologist  School Psychologist, etc.   

  • List and describe the education requirements involved in this career.
  • Provide a detailed job description of what this career would entail.
  • What are some specializations that could be implemented in your field of choice?
  • List and describe the different populations, ages, and groups that would be worked with.
  • If you were to pursue this career path…. why?  What would be your goals in pursuing this field?
  • What population, age, or group would you like to work with most and why?

The research paper must be a minimum of 4 pages and a maximum of six. 

 Provide a minimum of 3 outside sources.  Scholarly resources only. 

The research paper must be completed in APA format.  In-text citations and a reference page are required. 

 The title page and reference page does not count toward the 4-page limit.

Rubric Attached

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