COMMON HEALTH CONDITIONS WITH IMPLICATIONS FOR WOMEN Case studies provide the opportunity to simulate realistic scenarios involving patients


Case studies provide the opportunity to simulate realistic scenarios involving patients presenting with various health problems or symptoms. Such case studies enable nurse learners to apply concepts, lessons, and critical thinking to interviewing, screening, and diagnostic approaches, as well as to the development of treatment plans.

For this Case Study Assignment, you will chose from four case studies to identify common health implications for women. You will then explore the chosen case study to determine the diagnosis, diagnostic tests, and treatment options for the patient.



Required Readings

· Schuiling, K. D., & Likis, F. E. (2022). Gynecologic health care (4th ed.). Jones and Bartlett Learning.

· Chapter 17, “Breast Conditions” (pp. 337-349)

· Chapter 32, “Anatomy and Physiologic Adaptations of Normal Pregnancy” (pp. 677–673)

· Chapter 19, “Pregnancy Diagnosis, Decision-Making support, and Resolution” (pp. 367-379


Week 8 Case Studies

 Download Week 8 Case Studies(PDF)


Week 8 Case Study Template

 Download Week 8 Case Study Template(Word document)


· American Academy of Family Practice (AAFP). (2020). 

Browse AAFP clinical recommendationsLinks to an external site.

· American Cancer Society, Inc. (ACS). (2020). 

Cancer A-ZLinks to an external site.

Note: As you review this resource, select the “Cancer A-Z” topic in the navigation to review information and Resources about for Cancer: Breast, Colon, Lung, Prostate, Skin.

· American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). (2020). 

Clinical topicsLinks to an external site.

Note: As you review this source, make sure to navigate to the “Topics” section in the navigation to review the clinical topics.

· HealthyPeople 2030. (2020). 

Healthy People 2030 Framework

Links to an external site.

· U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPTFS). (2017, September). 

Search and Filter All Recommendation Topics

Links to an external site.


· Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (CDC). (n.d.). 

Disease & conditionsLinks to an external site.

· The American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP). (2020). 

AANP practice: Clinical Resources, Business, acumen and opportunities for professional recognitionLinks to an external site.


· Nicholas, J. A., & Hall, W. J. (2011). 

Screening and preventive services for older adultsLinks to an external site.

The Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine, New York, 78(4), 498–508.


General Guidelines for Health Screenings Matrix Template

 Download General Guidelines for Health Screenings Matrix Template(Word document)

Required Media

· Common Health Conditions 
Dr. Anne Salomone reviews and discusses the topics found in Weeks 7 & 8 (40 mins).

Optional Resources

Note: In Weeks 1-10, these resources are optional for your review. In Week 11, you will be required to review each of the PowerPoint slides from the text Gynecologic Health Care (4th ed.).

· Chapter 17, “

Breast Conditions

 Download Breast Conditions

· Chapter 32, “

Anatomy and Physiologic Adaptations of Normal Pregnancy

 Download Anatomy and Physiologic Adaptations of Normal Pregnancy

· Chapter 19, “

Pregnancy Diagnosis, Decision-Making support, and Resolution

 Download Pregnancy Diagnosis, Decision-Making support, and Resolution

Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity. 
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 


To prepare:

· Review the 4 case studies in this week’s Learning Resources. Select one of the cases to prepare your written assignment.

· Review the Learning Resources for this week.


· Use the Assignment Template from the Learning Resources to complete your assignment. The template must be filled out and incorporated into the body of your paper (not submitted separately), ensuring all required information is included.

· The assignment should be written in paragraph format, including a title page and a reference page, and must address all the criteria outlined in the rubric.


Submit your case study assignment by 
Day 7 of Week 8.


Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the 
Turnitin Drafts from the 
Start Here area. 

1. To submit your completed assignment, save your Assignment as 

2. Then, click on 
Start Assignment near the top of the page.

3. Next, click on 
Upload File and select 
Submit Assignment for review.







This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalyzes subjective and objective data and outlines applicable diagnostic tests related to case studies.

30 to >26.7 pts


The response provides clear, complete, and comprehensive descriptions of subjective and objective case data, appropriately outlining all diagnostic tests, clinical procedures and pharmacological interventions.

26.7 to >23.7 pts


The response provides clear, complete partial descriptions of the components of the subjective and objective case data, appropriately outlining most of the diagnostic tests, clinical procedures and pharmacological interventions.

23.7 to >20.7 pts


The response provides some components of the subjective and objective case data, but they are incomplete, vague or inaccurate, outlining some of the diagnostic tests, clinical procedures and pharmacological interventions.

20.7 to >0 pts


The response provides unclear or incomplete components of subjective and objective case data. The diagnostic tests, clinical procedures and pharmacological interventions are missing, incorrect, or inappropriately applied.

30 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdentifies differential diagnoses related to case studies.

30 to >26.76 pts


The response contains at least 3 differential diagnoses relevant and applicable to the case.

26.76 to >23.7 pts


The response contains at least 2 differential diagnoses relevant and applicable to the case.

23.7 to >20.7 pts


The response contains at least 1 differential diagnosis relevant and applicable to the case.

20.7 to >0 pts


The response contains few or no differential diagnoses and/or diagnoses are not relevant and applicable to the case.

30 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormulates a treatment plan related to case studies based on scientific rationale, evidence- based standards of care, and practice guidelines. Integrates ethical, psychological, physical, financial issues and Social Determinants of Health in plan.

30 to >26.76 pts


Formulates a thorough treatment plan including explanations of appropriate diagnostic tests and treatment options. Fully incorporates syntheses representative of knowledge gained from the resources for the module and current credible sources, with no less than 75% of the treatment plan having exceptional depth and breadth. Supported by at least 3 current peer- reviewed, references or professional practice guidelines.

26.76 to >23.7 pts


Formulates a partially complete treatment plan including partial explanations of appropriate diagnostic tests and treatment options. Somewhat incorporates syntheses representative of knowledge gained from the resources for the module and current credible sources with no less than 50% of the treatment plan having exceptional depth and breadth. Supported by at least 3 current peer- reviewed, references or professional practice guidelines.

23.7 to >20.7 pts


Formulates a minimally complete treatment plan including incomplete or vague explanations of appropriate diagnostic tests and treatment options. Lacking in synthesis of knowledge gained from the resources for the module and current credible sources. Supported by at least 2 current peer- reviewed, references or professional practice guidelines.

20.7 to >0 pts


Formulates a treatment plan that contains incomplete explanations of appropriate diagnostic tests and treatment options and/ or explanations are missing. Lacks synthesis gained from the resources for the module and current credible sources. Supported by 1 or no current peer- reviewed, references or professional practice guidelines.

30 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards:

Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation

5 to >4.45 pts


Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors.

4.45 to >3.95 pts


Contains a few (1 or 2) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

3.95 to >3.45 pts


Contains several (3 or 4) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

3.45 to >0 pts


Contains many (≥ 5) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.

5 to >4.45 pts


Uses correct APA format with no errors.

4.45 to >3.95 pts


Contains a few (1 or 2) APA format errors.

3.95 to >3.45 pts


Contains several (3 or 4) APA format errors.

3.45 to >0 pts


Contains many (≥ 5) APA format errors.

5 pts

Total Points: 100


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