

Quality in Practice: Toyota Motor Corporation, Ltd.

The Toyota brand name has earned an international reputation for quality. The roots of
Toyota Motor Corporation, founded in 1937, stem from the Toyoda Automatic Loom Works.
Sakichi Toyoda invented a loom with an automatic stopping function; whenever a thread
broke or the machine ran out of thread, it stopped automatically. This approach was built
into automotive assembly lines to improve quality and productivity and led to the
development of the “Toyota Production System,” which has commonly become known as
lean production. A significant feature of lean production is the practice of continuous
improvement by every worker, demanding the questioning of every process and testing of all
assumptions. Errors and defects are viewed as learning opportunities to remove waste and
improve efficiency. In 1951, Eiji Toyoda instituted a system of creative suggestions based on
the motto “Good Thinking, Good Products,” which is prominently displayed in every
production facility. One example is the Rakuraku seat, a comfortable work chair mounted on
the tip of an arm that allows a line worker to easily get into and out of cramped car-body
interiors. In 2000, more than 650,000 suggestions were submitted—almost 12 per
employee—and 99 percent were adopted. At Toyota, everybody helps whenever they can.
Even top and middle managers are well known for getting their “hands dirty” by helping
workers on the production line when necessary.

Toyota uses games, competitions, and cultural events to promote its 3 C’s: creativity,
challenge, and courage. It trains workers extensively, not only in job skills, but also in
personal development that focuses on positive attitudes and a sense of responsibility.
Toyota’s education system includes formal education, on-the-job training, and informal

Toyota is implementing a direct monitoring system that supports quality. For example, its
French plant is connected by a broadband system to the head office, enabling it to transmit
video, audio, and facility performance data. Engineers in Japan can monitor the data of the
plant’s operation in real time, check machinery utilization rates, diagnose malfunctions, and
provide ideas for improvement. Information technology and e-commerce are also used to
expand relationships with suppliers and customers. For example, customers may request
quotes and gather information that previously was only available to dealers.

Shotaro Kamiya, first president of Toyota Motor Sales, stated, “The priority in receiving
benefits from automobile sales should be in the order of the customer, then the car dealer,
lastly the maker. This attitude is the best approach in winning the trust of customers and
dealers and ultimately brings growth to the manufacturer.” The guiding principles of Toyota
are as follows:

1. Honor the language and spirit of the law of every nation and undertake open and fair
corporate activities to be a good corporate citizen of the world.
2. Respect the culture and customs of every nation and contribute to economic and social
development through corporate activities in the communities.
3. Dedicate ourselves to providing clean and safe products and to enhancing the quality of
life everywhere through all our activities.
4. Create and develop advanced technologies and provide outstanding products and services
that fulfill the needs of customers worldwide.
5. Foster a corporate culture that enhances individual creativity and teamwork value, while
honoring mutual trust and respect between labor and management.
6. Pursue growth in harmony with the global community through innovative management.
7. Work with business partners in research and creation to achieve stable, long-term growth
and mutual benefits, while keeping ourselves open to new partnerships.

Toyota has approximately 40 production facilities in more than 20 countries and regions
outside Japan. When Toyota began expanding outside of Japan, many believed that the
culture could not be copied or applied to foreign cultures, especially in the United States.
With a focus of incorporating the best elements of Japanese and local traditions, while
avoiding the weaknesses of both, Toyota as proven that its approaches and culture can work

One popular phrase at Toyota is “change or die.” The company continually seeks to redefine
itself to adapt to changes in society and the business environment. Toyota’s recent vision is
captured by the phrase harmonious growth—a harmony between man, society, and the

We wish to make Toyota not only strong but a universally admired company, winning the
trust and respect of the world. We must be a company that is accepted wholeheartedly by
people around the world, who would think it natural if Toyota became No. 1 in size, since
we provide attractive products that excel in environmental protection and in safety and
thus contribute immensely to local communities. That is the goal of “Harmonious
Growth” and what I regard as corporate virtue. – Hiroshi Okuda, Chairman

6.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):
1. What do Toyota’s guiding principles mean for its management system? In particular, how
do they reflect the principles of total quality?
2. Many health care organizations have learned from manufacturing companies in their
quality journey. What can nonmanufacturing companies learn and apply from Toyota’s
philosophy and practices? Suggest specific things that education and government might

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