I am looking forward to a Digital Marketing Graphic assignment on any one of the following topics1) Arts and Recreation 2) Renewable Energy 3)BeverageDIGITAL MARKETING GRAPHIC/ADVERTISEMENT. Part A: Digital Marketing Advertisement/Graphic (25%) Part A: Each student will have the option to create a Digital Marketing Advertisement/Graphic for one of three product/service options. Options will be distributed one month prior to the due date and each student will have one month to complete a digital marketing graphic/advertisement. This is an individual assignment and students are to complete the assignment alone. The Advertisement should fit on one page and will use all components of marketing/brand strategy that were covered in this course. The student will then create a 1-page maximum executive summary of their digital marketing graphic/advertisement. The executive summary will explain the graphic/advertisement to the instructor. The write-up should be double-spaced, 12-size font. Margins on all four sides of each page should be 1 inch. Please submit an electronic copy.Part B (15%): Each student is required to submit a video presentation of their digital marketing graphic/advertisement. The student should treat this presentation as a sales call. More specifically, the student is selling their product/service to the customer based on the graphic they designed. The video should not exceed 4 minutes in length. Please be clear and concise when presenting your material. The format of your video presentation should be the following: Introduction of product/service • Why the customer should buy your product/service. Cover the Marketing Mix Strategies that were covered in class. • Final Conclusions/Recommendation
the instructions are in the file. let me know if you have any questions
the instructions are in the file. let me know if you have any questions