Instructions are attached Rubric Signature Assignment Criteria

Instructions are attached


Signature Assignment




Format: (Length of Paper: At least 6 pages, do not exceed 8 pages (excludes cover page, references and appendices). Tables can be placed in Appendix, but in-text content still needed/summarized for the corresponding section.
Required plagiarism review: All papers will be reviewed for plagiarism):

8 pts

References: APA 7th edition (in-text and reference list). References: At least 5 references within the past 4-5 years. Prioritize published guidelines (journal articles) and research articles over UpToDate, etc. *Remember to appropriately label and reference all tables/charts/graphics utilized within the paper according to APA format.

6 pts

Introductions: Introduce the reader to an overview of the clinical problem. Briefly explain what your paper will cover.

6 pts


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Background: Provide a brief overview of facts about the clinical problem/indication and include any pertinent epidemiologic statistics across the lifespan.

15 pts

Current Medical/Surgical Treatment Options: Include prescription, over the counter and alternative therapies; briefly summarize lifespan considerations. Consider a chart or table to better describe/explain.

25 pts

Case Presentation: Do not include any personal health information in the paper. Brief case presentation (1/2 to 2/3 page) which includes pertinent: demographics, presenting signs/symptoms, H&P, Diagnosis, Treatment, Complications, Outcomes, as they are most relevant to the focused case scenario.

25 pts

Implications for the Registered Nurse: how will you integrate this knowledge into your practice and what will be the initiatives considered for health promotion and disease Prevention.

15 pts

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