Module 2: Assignment Purpose of Assignment: The purpose of this assignment is to deepen your understanding of Strategic

Module 2: Assignment

Purpose of Assignment:

The purpose of this assignment is to deepen your understanding of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) in the healthcare context. The assignment aims to apply SHRM concepts, utilize strategic analysis tools (SWOT and DESTEP), and explore the relevance of SHRM metrics analytics. You will collaborate with your group to analyze the selected healthcare organization’s strategic positioning. This analysis will be an ongoing process throughout the course, contributing to the final project. 


Steps to Complete Assignment:

SWOT and DESTEP Analyses:

A. Conduct a comprehensive analysis of your selected healthcare organization’s strategic positioning using SWOT and DESTEP analyses.

B. Identify and evaluate the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and factors related to demographics, economics, sociocultural aspects, technology, ecology, and political/legal considerations.

Peer Review Board Post: On the Canvas platform, post your findings from the SWOT and DESTEP analyses.

A. Discuss the strategic implications for healthcare human relations management.

B. Respond to at least two other colleagues’ posts, fostering discussion and sharing insights on different organizations.

C. Be sure to respond to comments you receive on your post.  


Additional Technical Instructions:

Analysis Format: Present the SWOT and DESTEP analyses using a format that is clear and accessible. You may use tables, charts, or any suitable visual aids to enhance the presentation of your findings.

Group Work Collaboration: Utilize collaborative tools such as Microsoft 365 or Google for effective group communication and coordination. Ensure that all group members actively contribute to the analysis of the healthcare organization’s strategic positioning. 

Peer Review Board Guidelines: Follow the guidelines provided on Canvas for posting on the Peer Review Board. Clearly articulate your analysis findings, and strategic implications, and engage constructively with colleagues’ posts. 


Submission Details:

Submit the SWOT and DESTEP analyses and a summary of your group’s ongoing analysis of the selected healthcare organization and post to the Peer Review Board. Ensure that all group members have access to and can contribute to the submission. List all group member names that have contributed to the assignment. Additionally, actively participate in the Peer Review Board by posting your analysis and responding to your colleagues. 

Note: To ensure academic integrity, this assignment will be submitted using Turnitin. Turnitin is a plagiarism detection software that checks submitted work for any similarities with a vast database of academic and online sources. By utilizing Turnitin, we can uphold academic honesty and integrity while promoting originality in our work. Remember, it’s always better to attribute sources and properly cite information than risk the consequences of plagiarism. For more information, visit 

Howard University’s Academic Code of Student Conduct.


Module 2: Peer Review

Purpose of Assignment:

In Module 2: Assignment you will collaborate with your group to analyze the selected healthcare organization’s strategic positioning.  In relation to this your group assignment you will create peer review post with the following:


Steps to Complete Assignment:

1. Post your findings from the SWOT and DESTEP analyses.

2. Discuss the strategic implications for healthcare human relations management.

3. Respond to at least two other colleagues’ posts, fostering discussion, and sharing insights on different organizations.

4. Be sure to respond to comments you receive on your post.  


Submission Details:

· Each group should post their initial response to the prompt above by Friday, 11:59pm (ET).

· Respond to at least two other colleagues’ posts to foster collaboration and discussion within the course. Be sure to respond to comments you receive on your post, Sunday, 11:59pm (ET).

· Groups should reply to other groups acknowledging their feedback by the following week. Select the “Reply” button to post your response.


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