my research question is about how Does smoking affect your development at and early age ?  What a deep dive is The steps of a deep dive How to demonstrate

my research question is about how Does smoking affect your development at and early age ? 

  • What a deep dive is
  • The steps of a deep dive
  • How to demonstrate that you completed your deep dive

Steps in the deep dive process:

Step 1: Identify the topic or idea

Step 2: Gain background knowledge

Step 3: Write your focus question (also known as the guiding or overarching question)

Step 4: Identify sources

Step 5: Read and take notes

Step 6: Create a bibliography (list of sources you are working with)

Step 7: Synthesize

Step 8: Document your sources with an annotated bibliography

Step 9: Share your answer to your question with a presentationHere are more details on how to complete a Deep Dive assignment- 

About the annotated bibliographyAn annotated bibliography is a bibliography (list of sources in APA format- 7th edition) with additional notes. For the deep-dive project, the annotated bibliography allows me to see the articles you are using in your project and your process for choosing it.Your annotated bibliography should include the following sections:

  • Citation entry (APA style-7th edition)- there must be a minimum of 12 entries including 3 scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles, 3 encyclopedia/reference entries, 3 popular media source, 3 entries of your choice
  • Paragraph 1 (4-6 sentences) summarizing the source
  • Paragraph 2 (2-6 sentences) explaining how the source was used in your deep dive and to answer your question 
  •  need to used good resources like New York Times  and also Lehman College library website 

About the presentationYour recorded presentation demonstrates your understanding and synthesis of information in the deep dive. The presentation must include your voice and visuals that keep the audience’s attention. Presentations should be between 5 and 8 minutes long. Instructions for creating a narrated powerpoint presentation are included in Module 3 of this course on the left side menu as well as a Deep Dive Guide with detailed instructions of the project. In addition to this, below you can see details of what should be included in each slide of your presentation. Be sure to follow this guide as it will be used to grade your presentation. Slide Deck Details

  • Slide 1: Introduction slide to introduce your work and yourself with the name of your presentation, your name, date, course
  • Slide 2: Purpose of your project slide with the question you tackled with your project
  • Slide 3: Guiding question: the question that guided your deep dive with your answer- what’s the problem you are looking into?
  • Slide 4: Relevance of this project: Why this topic is important and who it affects
  • Slide 5: Point 1 from your readings
  • Slide 6: Point 2 from your readings
  • Slide 7 (and so on for as many points as you have): Point 3 from your readings (and so on)
  • Next slide: Recap of question and answer: Final answer
  • Next slide: Next steps: What people can do with this information
  • Next slide: Conclusion: Closing
  • Next slide: References- include all 12 references

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