Part 1: 1.  Write a 2 page essay on how COVID has been handled in 3 countries: use the United States as your first country, one other industrialized

Part 1:

1.  Write a 2 page essay on how COVID has been handled in 3 countries: use the United States as your first country, one other industrialized country and 1 non-industrialized country. The type of health organizations in each country must be included but you can also research things such as insurance issues, awareness and/or educational campaigns, and any statistical differences in ages, races, or political leanings. You do NOT have to include all of these ideas—just include whatever you find interesting for your 2 pages of prose.   

2.  Toward the end of your paper, make sure to label a paragraph called Conclusion. In the conclusion, discuss which countries had the best organized programs to keep people safe and add any ideas you might think of to help the populace accept modern science and medicine.

3.  Your essay should be written in APA format, but you do not need an Abstract page.  Make sure that you include a title page, double-space the paper, use one (1) inch margins, and use a twelve (12) point font.

4.  Review your essay for spelling and grammatical errors before submitting it.

5.  Do NOT copy and paste (plagiarize) in this essay. Use your own words. If you want to quote a small portion of text, you may do so, but you must include both in-text citations and a references page.

Part 2:

1.  In the above 3 countries, compare the health initiatives and death rates in the 3 countries

2.  Using Microsoft Word, create a bar chart displaying the data you collected. Be sure that your statistics are expressed as percentages or as a death rate per X number of people. You cannot use raw numbers to compare death rates among countries with different populations.

3.  Be sure to give your chart a title. You must also label each axis.

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