PLEASE SEE ATTACHEMENTS The topic I chose is: Time Motion Analysis: Impact of Scribes on Provider Time Management Purpose of the study: The


The topic I chose is:

Time Motion Analysis: Impact of Scribes on Provider Time Management

Purpose of the study:

The purpose of this study is to determine if scribes benefit Emergency Department

providers with time management.

Research question addressed in the study:

There were 3 points addressed in this study, which are:

1. Comparing times with and without scribes for shift and post-shift documentation in the

Electronic Health Record.

2. Comparing times with and without scribes for bedside charting including interviews,

examinations, procedures, re-evaluation, disposition, and education.

3. Comparing times with and without the use of scribes for conversations with treatment

team members

Hypothesis of the study:

The study’s hypothesis is that scribes are beneficial to Emergency Department providers

by saving them time when charting.

Study design: Experimental or observational:

The study design for this research is prospective observational study.

Data collection methods:

Data was collected from forty-eight shifts that were eight hours long. These twenty-eight

shifts were divided into two, one with and without using scribe with the observation of four

research assistants.

Are the data categorical or quantitative:

The data collection for this study is categorical.

Weakness of data collection methods:

A major weakness of this data collection is that the providers report their own after-hour

documentation times.

  • Time Motion Analysis: Impact of Scribes on Provider Time Management

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