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Active Learning Activity Assignment Week 2

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Advanced Clinical Decision-Making in Nursing

Objective: This assignment aims to explore the evolution and enhancement of clinical decision-making, critical thinking, and clinical judgment as nurses transition to advanced practice roles, such as Nurse Practitioners (NPs) or nurse leaders and managers.

Introduction: Begin by highlighting the foundational importance of clinical decision-making, critical thinking, and clinical judgment in nursing practice. Emphasize how these skills ensure effective and safe patient care. Discuss the transition to advanced practice roles and the potential changes or enhancements in these skills.

Within your submission answer the following questions:

1. Differences in Skills Required by Bedside Nurses vs. APNs:

Compare and contrast the skills required by bedside nurses and those needed by Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs).

Bedside Nurses: Focus on direct patient care, immediate clinical decision-making, and hands-on interventions.

APNs: Emphasize advanced clinical reasoning, leadership, and comprehensive care management.

Support with Rationale and Readings: Reference course readings and academic literature to highlight the distinctions and overlaps in skill sets. Discuss how the scope of practice, responsibilities, and required competencies differ between these roles.

2. Clinical Decision-Making Skills for NPs and Nurse Leaders:

Identify essential clinical decision-making skills for NPs:

· Advanced assessment and diagnostic skills.

· Evidence-based practice implementation.

· Patient-centered care planning and management.

Identify essential clinical decision-making skills for Nurse Leaders:

· Strategic planning and policy development.

· Team leadership and conflict resolution.

· Quality improvement and resource management.

Support with Course Readings and Academic Literature: Provide evidence from scholarly sources to explain why these skills are crucial for each role. Discuss any similarities and differences in the decision-making processes for NPs and nurse leaders.

3. Standardized Decision-Making Tool:

Identify a standardized decision-making tool used to guide nurses at all levels:

· Example: The Clinical Decision-Making (CDM) Framework.

Purpose and Creation: Explain why the tool was created, its intended purpose, and how it supports consistent and effective decision-making in nursing practice.

4. Application of the Decision-Making Tool in APN Roles:

Specific Application in APN Roles: Describe how the standardized decision-making tool can be applied in your role as an APN. Provide a detailed example of its implementation in a clinical scenario.

Other Standardized Tools: Discuss other standardized clinical decision-making tools available for NPs/APNs. Explore whether these tools are employed in all care settings and provide a rationale for their use.

5. Consensus Model for APRNs:

Explain the role of the Consensus Model for APRNs:

· Define the Consensus Model and its components.

· Discuss how it standardizes APRN roles, education, and practice across different states.

· Explore its impact on enhancing clinical decision-making and ensuring consistent, high-quality care.

Formatting and Submission Guidelines:

Length: Minimum of 4 pages, not counting cover and reference pages.

Format: Adhere to APA 7 format, including title page, headings, citations, and references.

Submission: Ensure your essay is well-organized, clearly written, and proofread for grammatical accuracy.


Grading Rubric: Your assignment will be graded based on the following criteria [Please review the Rubric]:

Depth of Analysis: Thorough examination of the differences in skills and the application of decision-making tools.

Clarity and Organization: Clear and logical structure, coherent arguments.

Research and Evidence: Use of relevant research to support analysis and decisions.

APA Formatting: Adherence to APA 7 guidelines for formatting and citations.

Grammar and Style: Correct grammar, spelling, and professional writing style.

Rubric Details

Maximum Score

100 points

Learning Activity Question

50% of total result


The learning activity questions are answered comprehensively. The word count if applicable has been met, and it is accurate, non-evaluative, coherent, readable, and concise. All the following elements are included: a. The problem or issue you are presented and clearly explained, and b. the author’s conclusions are clear and concise are explained. There is an introduction and a conclusion to the submission.


Utilizes at least 3 sources and all sources are current within 5 years. Cited following APA format.

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