Respond to one of the following options. Be sure to specify the option number you are responding to in your post.
Careers in Networking
Option 1: Job Search
- Go to a job site such as,, or LinkedIn.
- Search for jobs for network engineers in your area.
- Start by searching for jobs using keywords like "network administrator", or "network engineer."
- Examine the data presented.
- What do you think about the salary range of this position? Did you find the salary expectations or anything surprising about the salary range?
-  Are you finding jobs in your area? Would you be willing to relocate?
- Which parts of the course do you think helped you prepare for these job openings, demand, or roles?
Option 2: Job Demand
- Go to the site 
- Start by selecting Networking under Feeder Role.
- Examine the data presented.
- What are the common job titles in the networking field?
- What are the top skills of the networking field being requested?
- What of the skills being requested most interest you for continued study?
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Respond to one of the following options. Be sure to specify the option number you are responding to in your post.
Option 1: Job Search
- Go to a job site such as,, or LinkedIn.
- Search for jobs for network engineers in your area.
- Start by searching for jobs using keywords like “network administrator”, or “network engineer.”
- Examine the data presented.
- What do you think about the salary range of this position? Did you find the salary expectations or anything surprising about the salary range?
- Are you finding jobs in your area? Would you be willing to relocate?
- Which parts of the course do you think helped you prepare for these job openings, demand, or roles?
Option 2: Job Demand
- Go to the site
- Start by selecting Networking under Feeder Role.
- Examine the data presented.
- What are the common job titles in the networking field?
- What are the top skills of the networking field being requested?
- What of the skills being requested most interest you for continued study?