Respond to one of the following options. Be sure to specify the option number you are responding to in your post. Careers in Networking Option 1: Job

Respond to one of the following options. Be sure to specify the option number you are responding to in your post.

Careers in Networking

Option 1: Job Search

  1. Go to a job site such as,, or LinkedIn.
  2. Search for jobs for network engineers in your area.
  3. Start by searching for jobs using keywords like "network administrator", or "network engineer."
  4. Examine the data presented.
  5. What do you think about the salary range of this position? Did you find the salary expectations or anything surprising about the salary range?
  6.  Are you finding jobs in your area? Would you be willing to relocate?
  7. Which parts of the course do you think helped you prepare for these job openings, demand, or roles?

Option 2: Job Demand

  1. Go to the site 
  2. Start by selecting Networking under Feeder Role.
  3. Examine the data presented.
  4. What are the common job titles in the networking field?
  5. What are the top skills of the networking field being requested?
  6. What of the skills being requested most interest you for continued study?

” style=”display: block; overflow-wrap: break-word; overflow: auto hidden; text-align: start;”>

Respond to one of the following options. Be sure to specify the option number you are responding to in your post.

Option 1: Job Search

  1. Go to a job site such as,, or LinkedIn.
  2. Search for jobs for network engineers in your area.
  3. Start by searching for jobs using keywords like “network administrator”, or “network engineer.”
  4. Examine the data presented.
  5. What do you think about the salary range of this position? Did you find the salary expectations or anything surprising about the salary range?
  6. Are you finding jobs in your area? Would you be willing to relocate?
  7. Which parts of the course do you think helped you prepare for these job openings, demand, or roles?

Option 2: Job Demand

  1. Go to the site 
  2. Start by selecting Networking under Feeder Role.
  3. Examine the data presented.
  4. What are the common job titles in the networking field?
  5. What are the top skills of the networking field being requested?
  6. What of the skills being requested most interest you for continued study?


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