See Attached For this milestone, you will complete Slide 9 (“Consumption and Production of Media”) of your chosen final project template. Use the

See Attached

For this milestone, you will complete Slide 9 (“Consumption and Production of Media”) of your chosen final project template. Use the speaker notes section to further explain the details of your slide. Also, be sure to delete the existing text in the template and replace it with your own.

The following critical elements must be addressed:

Consumption and Production of Media: In this slide, Slide 9 (“Consumption and Production of Media”), you will reflect on your role as a consumer and producer of media and determine the extent to which it influences the perception of an artifact.

A. Create a 
graphic that illustrates the relationship between creators and consumers of media artifacts.

B. Provide an 
explanation of the graphic you created representing the relationship between creators and consumers of media. How does the blurred line between consumption and creation of an artifact impact messaging and interpretation of media?

C. Reflect on your 
own role as a consumer and producer of media. How do you participate in the consumption and creation of media?

Be sure to refer to the Module Five resources as well as any other pertinent course resources to support your responses. Incorporate instructor feedback into your final project presentation.

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