See attached Week 2 – Learning Activity · Due Tuesday by 12:59am Infographic for the Office Prior to beginning work on this

See attached

Week 2 – Learning Activity

Due Tuesday by 12:59am

Infographic for the Office

Prior to beginning work on this learning activity, review the following resources:


Violations of Health as a Human Right and Moral Distress: Considerations for Social Work Practice and EducationLinks to an external site.


Online Relationships and the Role of the Human Service PractitionerLinks to an external site.


Facilitating Informed Consent: A Multicultural PerspectiveLinks to an external site.


Strategies Used to Teach Professional Boundaries Psychiatric Nursing EducationLinks to an external site.


Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals

Links to an external site.

Imagine that you currently work in a human services office. You are approached by the HR Manager and your current supervisor, both of whom would like to promote ethical awareness and practices in the office. They have asked you to create an infographic poster that will educate and remind staff about the NOHS ethical standards related to responsibilities to clients (standards 1-9). The poster needs to contain the following topics:

Informed Consent: Clearly explain the importance of obtaining informed consent, including the key elements that must be communicated to clients.

Right to Privacy: Highlight the client’s right to privacy and the measures professionals should take to protect it.

Confidentiality: Describe the principles of confidentiality and the circumstances under which information may need to be disclosed.

Professional Boundaries: Outline the importance of maintaining professional boundaries with clients and provide an example of appropriate versus inappropriate behavior.

Strengths-Based Approach: Emphasize the value of a strengths-based approach in empowering clients and promoting positive outcomes.

For this assignment, you are submitting an infographic poster; therefore, it must be visually appealing as well as accurate. The infographic should be created using digital tools (e.g., Canva, Adobe Illustrator, Piktochart, etc.). A few tips for creating an infographic:

· Use clear, concise language that is easy to understand.

· Incorporate visuals such as icons, illustrations, and charts to enhance comprehension and retention.

· Ensure the layout is organized and visually appealing, with a logical flow of information.

· Use a color scheme and font that is professional and consistent with the branding of a human services office.

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