see attachment Instructions Assignment Directions: In this assignment, you will explore the various type

see attachment


Assignment Directions:

In this assignment, you will explore the various types of sexual dysfunctions and develop a deeper understanding of their potential causes, impacts on individuals/relationships, and treatment options.

This assignment allows you to dive deeper into one common sexual disorder, separating facts from myths. By exploring the causes, effects, and treatment options, you’ll gain greater awareness about sexual health challenges some individuals face.

The major categories of sexual dysfunction include:

· Desire Disorders (low/lack of sexual desire)

· Arousal Disorders (inability to become aroused)

· Orgasm Disorders (delay/inability to reach orgasm)

· Sexual Pain Disorders (pain associated with intercourse)


Choose one of the major categories of sexual dysfunction listed and identify 1 specific type of sexual dysfunction from that category.

Conduct research from a credible/reliable source (no .com sites) using a minimum of 3 sources.

Create a power point presentation that includes the following information for the specific disorder:

· Overview of the disorder and common symptoms

· Potential psychological and/or biological causes

· Impacts on the individual’s sexual health, relationships, and well-being

· Recommended medical/therapeutic treatment options

Submission Instructions:

Your Power Point presentation must be a 
minimum of 10 slides to include a title slide, content slides and a reference slide. References are to be listed using the most current edition of the APA style guide. (a url address is not sufficient). There must be corresponding citations in the body of your presentation.

Academic Integrity [content page]

Assignment Rubric [content page]

This assignment aligns with the following:

· Course Objective 
3 [content page]

· Learning Objectives 
3.2 & 3.5 [content page]

Resources & Supports

Office 365 [webpage]: You have free access as an APUS student. Sign in with your MyCampus Email credentials.

Submitting and Confirming a Submission : Watch this 3-minute video if you need guidance on submitting your assignment.

APA Style Guide: The APUS library offers APA resources and guidance.

Creating a PowerPoint Presentation: All students have access to PowerPoint as part of your Office365 Subscription. 

All assignments are submitted to Turnitin, which looks for similarity to other submitted or published writing. Any assignment receiving a TII score of 30% or higher is a sign the faculty may find issues about the originality of your work.  An originality score should generally be no more than 20%.  Assignments with originality scores between 20 and 50% are more likely to have an issue where your faculty may need to deduct points.  Any originality score over 50% is a strong sign there may be serious issues with your final submission that could result in a failing grade. Please keep this in mind as you are submitting work.

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