WATCH THE VIDEO AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW.  AS 1010-Introduction to Addiction Disorders Final Exam


AS 1010-Introduction to Addiction Disorders

Final Exam

Video: The Days of Wine and Roses

Points: 100 points


Where to submit: Via the Video assignment tab

Main Characters:

· Joe (husband)

· Kirsten (wife)

· Mr. Arnesen (Kirsten’s father)

· Jim (AA representative)

Overview of video: Joe is a social drinker who never stops socializing. His wife, Kirsten, starts drinking to keep him company. What initially begins as good times soon turn bad and Joe has to make a heart-breaking choice?

Directions: After you have watched the video, you are to respond to the following questions.


Part I. 12-Core Functions: Three (3) points each = total 36 points

Overview of Part I: The first 12 questions will be over the 12-Core Functions. There are two parts to each of these twelve questions. First define the function and then give an example of the function that was in the video. If the video does not give an example, then say “no example,” as points will be deducted for leaving that question blank.

Each question is worth three (3) points; one (1) point for the definition and two (2) points for the example.

Part II. Short answer questions: One (1) point each = total 10 points

Overview of Part II: Some of the response will be just one word or several words. You need not write the question, just number your responses to correspond to the question number.

1. What was the first type of drink Joe bought for Kirsten?

2. What complaint did Joe have about his job?

3. What did Mr. Arnesen do when he found out Kirsten and Joe were married?

4. Why did Joe have to come back early from Houston?

5. How did Joe see himself in the reflection of the window of the bar?

6. How did Joe sneak two bottles of liquor into the bedroom?

7. What happened when Joe looked for his secret stash in the greenhouse?

8. How did Joe quit drinking?

9. What did Joe do after he drank with Kirsten at the motel?

10. How does the world look to Kirsten when she is not drinking?

Part III. Nature of Addiction Essay Questions: Total = 24 points

Overview of Part III: According to the supplemental reading, Nature of Addiction, for one to meet the definition of addiction, three criteria must be met: 1) compulsive use, 2) loss of control, and 3) continued use despite adverse consequences. The next two questions are based on that reading and the video.

1. For Joe, give an example of the following:

· Compulsive use

· Loss of control

· Continued use despite consequences.

2. For Kirsten, give an example of the following:

· Compulsive use

· Loss of control

· Continued use despite consequences.

Part IV: Normal Cycle of Life Essay Questions: Total 16 points.

Overview of Part IV: In the normal cycle of life (from Development of the Addictive Personality), there are four (4) natural forms of relationships: 1) Family & friends, 2) Spiritual, 3) Self, and 4) Community.

1. For Joe, give an example of how he violated each of these four types of relationships. (8 points)

2. For Kirsten, give an example of how she violated each of these four types of relationships. (8 points)

Part V: Reaction to the Video: Ten (10) points

Overview of Part V: Do not summarize the video; rather describe how well the video represented the progression and consequences of a substance addiction/dependence. To adequately respond to this part, you should write at least two paragraphs. Remember a paragraph must be at least five (5) sentences.

Part VI: Submitting your final project on time: Four (4) points.

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