Week 1 Assignment: Introduction to Leadership This week we are focusing on the meaning of

Week 1 Assignment: Introduction to Leadership

This week we are focusing on the meaning of “leadership” by looking at several leadership models and by looking at ourselves as leaders.

The Week 1 Reading Assignment is:

· Chap 1-3 and 8 in the Art of Leadership textbook.

· Begin reading Chapter 1 in the Leadership Challenge textbook and Chapters 1-3 in the Leadership Challenge Workbook. (This is preparatory reading for Week 3 activities.)

· Read the resources on Virtues and Virtuous Leadership. This is to prepare you for future assignments.

· Read the Seven Strategies for Character Development.
I expect students to refer to this document frequently. In the second paper below, I expect students to choose and discuss at least two “strategies” which were used to assist in accomplishing each virtue related task in this course. We will have dedicated class sessions to assist with this requirement.

The Week 1 Discussion Assignment is to discuss the topics of the Writing Assignment below. This Discussion should help solidify your thoughts and inform the Writing Assignment itself.

The Week 1 Writing Assignment has two parts.

Part 1

Write a paper that summarizes the following leadership models (Trait Theory, Behavior Theory, Contingency Theory, and Transformational from Chap 2 and Servant, Authentic, and Military from Chap 8) found in the Art of Leadership textbook. This paper should consist of at least one page per leadership model.

Part 2

Main Reflective Essay. Write the Main Reflective Essay about yourself as a leader. At a minimum, the paper should consider such questions as:

· How do you lead your team

· Based on the
Virtue Literacy resources above, in your own words provide definitions of
Humility and Caring for Others.

· Does your leadership approach include activities on your part that fit the definitions of being a
humble leader who cares for team members?

· How do you motivate your team…how do you cultivate great followership?

· How do you build relationships…what are the priorities you focus on…what are your most difficult leadership tasks…how do your team members know about your values?

Note: Please see the information in the syllabus for the grading rubric.

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