What do you know about these themes? PSY 491 Project One Guidelines and Rubric Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the

What do you know about these themes?

PSY 491 Project One Guidelines and Rubric


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

· Apply your psychological knowledge to develop a social change identity


Your identity is a diverse collection of the perceptions and experiences that shape the lens through which you see the world. Throughout our development, our identities are in a constant state of flux: snapshots of our attitudes, interests, and aspirations at a given moment in time. As we explore the social themes that matter to us, our identities reflect how we think, how we feel, and who we are, 
right now. For this project, you will reflect on various psychological and social factors to develop your social change identity.


Using the learning from your Module One and Module Two Milestone assignments, along with the 
Social Change Identity Vocabulary List PDF, you will address the following rubric criteria to construct your own definition of your social change identity. Write at least one paragraph
WITH AT LEAST FIVE SENTENCES for each of the following:

1. Describe the ways in which your 
personality traits have influenced the development of your social change identity.

2. Describe the ways in which your 
lived experiences have influenced the development of your social change identity.

3. Describe the ways in which your 
social influences have influenced the development of your social change identity.

4. Describe the ways in which your willingness to be 
psychologically vulnerable has influenced the development of your social change identity.

5. Describe the ways in which resilience, growth mindset, and emotional intelligence have each supported the 
personal growth that has contributed to the development of your social change identity.

All sources and ideas requiring attribution must be cited according to APA style.

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit the following:

Social Change Identity Paper
Submit your social change identity paper as a Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

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